Dry Cleaning - Storage Conveyors

X'Press-U-Veyor is White Conveyors high value, spiral track monorail and is the simplest, most cost-efficient way to move items through any plant. Flexible vertical & horizontal bend sections let the X-U-V path follow your design needs. Spiral groove track moves items smoothly, quickly, quietly; with loading at any point in the system.
- DContinuous Spiral Track with built in groove, no wires to break or wear out.
- Direct Power Drive turns spiral in place, moving items down the line.
- Track mounts on channel suspension frame, easy support from floor to ceiling
- Forward Speed: 15 feet per minute
- Single Direction system, no return line needed
- 45° & 90° Horizontal bends, 15o Vertical bends, for versatile design
- Overload clutch set at 100 inch/pounds of torque
- 1/4 H.P. Drive, 115 volts, for easy installation